Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4

So we're just two days shy of six months from when we started. Now it's not an episode of overhauling where they fix a car in a week, but we also don't have a fully equipped garage, an huge budget, and a full crew of mechanics. Wejust have our garage, ourselves, three teenagers and occasional help from our awesome neighbor, Wild Bill.

Just so you get an idea of where we came from, here is the truck when we brought her home.

After the first restore:

And today:

As for what's next? I'm not sure yet. Keep checking in.

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3

We are almost officially done. I finishecpd the last seat a few minutes ago. Tomorrow the windshield will be installed and then, we are finished! To top it off, we did make our deadline of finishing before the minion finished driver's ed. I'll have pictues tomorrow of thefinished truck as well as her before pictures.