Monday, April 28, 2014

April 27

After all day at the dealership, then another trip back into Wichita last night to O'Reilly, we didn't have a lot of time to work on the car on Saturday. We tried so hard to get the engine to turn over all the way, but it just wasn't going to do it, even with the new battery and a new coil.

Today, dirty injectors. We came home from church and tried to get it to start again. No luck. It starts, but it just isn't catching. Diagnosis is dirty injectors and really old gas.

I went back into Wichita to O'Reilly again to get injectors, then to Auto Zone and Advance Auto parts to find more injectors, a key for the lock nuts on the tires, and a fuel pressure regulator. They only had one injector in stock anywhere and it took 4 other places to find the regulator.

I spent part of the evening vacuuming out all the gross mouse grossness. I hate mice in cars. Just gross. That is one of my least favorite things, mice nests. I really want to rip everything out right now, but need to wait until we have tubs to put everything into.

Cowboy and Wild Bill worked on pulling the other injectors and cleaning them. After they got everything assembled again, the car wouldn't start at all. Which turned out to be due to a loose battery terminal connection as opposed to something else.

However, all that work and she still won't turn all the way over. Cowboy thinks this is probably due to a vacuum hose leak or broken plastic connector. Unfortunately, we have track meets the next two evenings so finding that will have to wait.

I should add, on this one, we're not trying for our normal crazy timeline. We do have to finish in under a year since the girl will be driving next summer, but we don't have to get it done before the end of summer. Oh man, I just realized with that huge back window and small car, LESS SANDING!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 26

Did you know they had a huge car auction in Lorraine, Kansas today? Neither did we. We might have gone to see if there was something for the girl.

We did go to Hutchinson though. I know Shawn, we should have called and had lunch. I found a good set of tires that would fit the 280zx on Craigslist and we were going to check out a Yukon Denali they had at the dealership up there.

The tire guy told us about the car auction in Lorraine and both Cowboy and I were sorely tempted to drive up and check it out. However, it would have meant another hour to get there with no way to bring anything home.

Instead we went to the dealership to check out the Yukon. Much to the Cowboy's delight, I finally agreed that he could have the Challenger back to put inside the 1970 Charger and we could trade in the Dart and the 07 Charger to get a Yukon Denali. Squishing 3 teenagers in one backseat has proved to be very trying. Have I mentioned that Cowboy hates the Dart? I don't think I've ever seen him dislike a car so much.

Now, Cowboy likes to mess with the car sales people. It's not to be mean, he just likes to see if they know what they're selling. Invariably, the answer is no. He'll tell them he's looking for something that can tow a car, then they ask why, then he says, then he'll give them more info on what he needs, then they'll show us something we hate, then it will be what we're looking for but he'll add in it's white and on and on. Sometimes it's amusing, especially when the person can bounce back from his questions, other times, those poor people, they get blindsided.

Just a note to everyone, know what you're selling. Even if you don't think your job is selling something, it is. Know your stuff, love what you do. It makes it easier when you get loaded questions from some dude dressed in his work clothes about something extremely specific to a particular model year.

This sales guy failed. No, we don't want a smelly smoke filled white Tahoe with RWD, nor do we want to drive two hours to see the other one you have.

We did go to the other dealership and find one we did like. I however, being tired and tired of driving around in two cars all day, stopped Cowboy from his normal, so I'm looking for this questions and had Junior (seriously, he went by Junior) show us the Denali we were looking for.

I have never seen Cowboy so happy to get rid of a car. NEVER. Or now that I think about it, maybe it was that combined with getting his Challenger back and having a new car challenge. We did have a very nice time at the dealership as we got to talk to Junior, his co-sales man, and even his sales manager  about welding, resto-mods and just car stuff in general. It was probably one of the more enjoyable times I've had at a dealership.

Just because you're keeping track:
  • Boy minions: Cars are done. Sort of . Monte will need a new odometer and Captain has some weird radio issue that's draining the battery.
  • Girl Minion: Finally she's picked a car, well, more like sort of. She wants a 4 door late 50's Bel-Air style car. We may go next weekend to look at the junkyard in Florence to see what is out there and see if we can find parts for the Z.
  • Cowboy: Dart, gone. Very happy to have something he can tow with and use to transport minions. Has Challenger back. Really likes both of them.
  • Me: Have to drive the Challenger until my Z is done. Have adorable 280zx. Even better, not everyone else has one.

April 23

You can guess from my post last week that we probably didn't have to drive too far. We woke up the next morning and talked about the lonely little car all the way to the eldest minion's Junior Day at the college he wants to attend.

We came up with a new price that was only marginally higher than my top price, but still way under the Cowboy's. I did tell him though that it would be better if he did the talking this time since my hard assed, no budging, uncompromising negotiation had probably annoyed Dave. That and sometimes, seriously, it just takes a dude to talk to another dude.

Through a fortuitous stroke of luck, we arrived at the perfect time, after lunch when everyone is mellow and no one is hangry.

Mike was happy to see us since he'd thought we'd never come back and we would be the only people who would want the car. We thought they'd never call us or want to sell it. I guess it's one of those things where The Big Dude just works things out in your favor, especially when it's part of the plan He has for you. Or maybe He just likes it when Cowboy and I figure this stuff out together and make cool and interesting things. Either way, He worked this one in a way that was good for everyone involved, me, Cowboy, Dave, Rusty, Mike, even the little car.

You should go see them if you're looking for a used car. They were really great to deal with. I will say though, Dave loves the thrill of the negotiation so keep that one in mind.

We went home, got the Captain and the trailer, loaded up the car, drove the 20 miles home and arrived an hour later.


HA!!! An hour later. As if. You all know by now that there is NO way that we got home in an hour.

What do you think went wrong?
What's wrong with the picture above?
Is the Captain almost dragging that hitch on the ground?
Wow, that car is way forward on that trailer.
Hmmm, if elder minion is riding with Cowboy, where is Jen?
Does she have her ringer on?

Let's see, that weight isn't centered on that trailer very well is it? No.
Does that car actually fit on there? It seems like it's an awfully small car. It is and it yes, while the Apache barely fit on that same trailer because it was too BIG, that one barely fit because it was too small and we almost drove off of it when we were loading it on.
Why yes, the Captain is just about two inches off the ground.
Wow, that car really is too far forward.
Well, Jen is leaving to go to the other side of town to find a Chilton manual for the car.
No. No she does not.

Thank goodness I did have the thought to pull out my phone and see that Cowboy had called four minutes ago and left a message about "a problem" and to call him when "I looked at my phone" because my ringer wasn't on.

Well, apparently they were moving the car farther back on the trailer because it was either making the muffler drag or making the transmission grind. Cowboy is starting to move it back when I get there. By the lack of photos, you know that I was helping move this around. Which is tricky because those wheels are rubbing right up against those inside edges of the trailer.

After we get it moved, I am in pursuit of larger ratchet straps. Cowboy did have some amazing ones we got at Sam's but people tend to forget to return things so he just had his small set. And his large ones are sitting on the upholstery machine waiting to be sewn. Which I realized he could have used today. He also was kind enough to point this one out. I should add he wasn't mean about it at all, nor was he snotty. After strap procurement, and two more calls where he stated he needed wheel chocks and some water to drink, we get it strapped down. Yes, I was helping him strap them down. This is the final tightening up before we left. Double check things people, always double check.


I follow them home and have a heart stopping moment as it the car and trailer bounce over a rough patch on the bridge. Three hours later, we arrive safely home, cars and all, ready for another few months of restoration.
The only difference, I'm the minion for this one so I can't just do the interior.


April 22

Cowboy had a chance to go check out the Datsun, crawled under it, popped the hood, banged on the metal and talked to the other brother, Rusty. Cowboy called me on the way home with his exterior/mechanical damage estimate and we made a plan of action. 

Maybe more like attack, because I am a hard sell on anything and hard to bargain with.  I tend to hold out for a higher price longer than the Cowboy and offer a lower price than he'd start with. That's half the fun though. I like the haggling. Especially when it's interesting. Honestly too, this is the first time I'd gone into a car price negotiation without Cowboy. Usually I give him my bottom price line since it's higher than his, and he'll do the talking. This time, I went solo.

However, I drew the hard sell and got Dave. Interesting fact, Dave was the first WU Shock. We talked about the car, I gave him my price, which was reasonable for the condition, however it was a quarter of what he was asking. He came down some, but still twice what I was willing to pay. We danced some more, I came up $100, he came down 300. Then we hit a wall. Two stubborn negotiators mean everyone is going home sad. The brothers were sad too. Mike and Rusty, Dave's sons and business partners, were ready for this little car to find a home where it would be loved and most importantly taken care of instead of sitting on the back of the lot waiting to be parted out.

So we shook hands, he got my number and I went home. Cowboy and I looked online and found a few cars that would work instead of that particular car, but that means now, we're going to have to drive to go get it.

April 21

On the way home, I swing by the Dave Johnson sales to go check out the adorable little Datsun. Mike, who was wonderful by the way, told me that it was extremely rough and didn't look like it's online photos.

It did not at all. This was not the same hot little car I'd seen just a couple of years back. Poor thing, she'd rusted out on the hood, wheel wells, mice had made nests inside, which you all know I love, someone had stolen the stereo and she hadn't been started in at least a year.

I took photos, crawled under the car. Did you know the car dudes kind of freak out a little when a girl crawls under the car to check it out and pops the hood? Well, not the car dude I'm married too, but this one did. We talked about it, he was extremely honest about what condition it was in.  Oh, but ladies and gents, we all know that unless it's a total rusted out hot mess, that Cowboy and I can fix it. I thought she was worth trying for so I took Mike's card and called Cowboy on the way home.

What's Next

Cowboy and I have been going round and round on what we should do with the cars we have, what's going to be the best long term, what is going in the Charger, why can't the Dart get hit by a deer or a whole herd of deer, do I want another car besides the Challenger, what else would I drive and on and on and on.  Occasionally there will be a, hey girl minion, do you like this car in there too. It's been one of our constant conversations. (Mostly though, it's been, "I hate the Dart." He does. We bought a new Dodge Dart last year to have as the commuter car. I love the interior on that car and Dodge does a fantastic job on their navigation and radio interface. However, that car. Good grief. It has a terrible transmission and too much lag between when you step on the gas and when the car actually moves.)

So what does this have to do with the summer restoration? A lot actually. Right now the 2010 Challenger, which is my car, just hangs out in the garage most of the time. I could drive it more, but really I'd have to swap cars around in the morning and I just want to get in the car and go. So it sits and is sad. She likes to drive. It makes her happy. Cowboy had a 2007 Charger AWD R/T that he got to put inside the 1970 Charger instead of the Challenger.

Cowboy will ask me at least once a week if there is another car I would want. That conversation always ends one of two ways. Either, "I would like a 2011 Blue Subaru WRX STI preferably the one that used to be mine," or "I haven't seen anything else I liked besides that insane looking 1961 Plymouth Fury that would have been hard to find parts for."

Then he found something I finally liked. It's not like I have a ton of requirements for a car, it has to look like I'd drive it, it can't be something else EVERYONE has, and it can't look like an old lady car. Oh, and I'd prefer if it was a manual. He's shown me hundreds of car photos in the last year to me saying no hundreds of times. Poor thing.

Then, finally somehow, he found the RIGHT one. It's weird how, at least for me, finding the right car is so similar to finding the right present for someone, the perfect house, or heck, even the right Cowboy. When you see it, you just know.

I am in car love with a 1981 Datsun/Nissan 280zx. I'd just say Nissan, but it's so much more fun to say yeah, I'm getting a Datsun and see people's faces.

It was adorable in it's online photos and funny enough, we'd seen it a couple of years ago when we were looking for cars for Decker. I'd told Cowboy how cute it was just hanging back there in back part of the car lot. Then he or I said, you already have a car and dismissed it. But there it still was, back online and ready for me to swing and check out its adorable little self on myway home.


It is summer restoration time, it is!

I know, you're all excited to see what Cowboy brought home on the trailer and what's been going on during our hiatus.

We updated the eldest minion's car to add a little Ghost Rider flavor to it.  Thank goodness too, because we smoothed out the rough parts of the side panels and increased its badassery (Yes, that is a word. A word I made up, but still a word.) by at least 50%.


The minions have grown like crazy, or I'm shrinking. I forced them to pose for me. See? They aren't covered in grease all the time. Even Cowboy put on his fancy eggplant-colored velvet jacket for photos.
Okay, so I kind of made him so that he and I would be matchy-matchy for Easter. And no, I did not pick out his outfit. He picked it out himself for my annual company party. Secret to all of you, he has amazing taste in clothes. Heck, I get more compliments from the outfits he's picked out for me than any I do. You just don't always get to see his "fancy" clothes on the blog.

I did take photos this fall of the minions and their current rides. It was hard to keep them serious. Since I shot portraits professionally for so long and they've all been in front of the camera since they were born,  I let the photo sessions flow. I let them be serious, mess around, attempt flying leaps then make them do those leaps over and over again until I get my shot. This does however result in minion photo hijinks like the bottom photo and make it almost impossible to get that smiling portrait all of the grandmas want to see.

So, are you ready? Like I said in the beginning, it is summer restoration time.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014