Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's Next

Cowboy and I have been going round and round on what we should do with the cars we have, what's going to be the best long term, what is going in the Charger, why can't the Dart get hit by a deer or a whole herd of deer, do I want another car besides the Challenger, what else would I drive and on and on and on.  Occasionally there will be a, hey girl minion, do you like this car in there too. It's been one of our constant conversations. (Mostly though, it's been, "I hate the Dart." He does. We bought a new Dodge Dart last year to have as the commuter car. I love the interior on that car and Dodge does a fantastic job on their navigation and radio interface. However, that car. Good grief. It has a terrible transmission and too much lag between when you step on the gas and when the car actually moves.)

So what does this have to do with the summer restoration? A lot actually. Right now the 2010 Challenger, which is my car, just hangs out in the garage most of the time. I could drive it more, but really I'd have to swap cars around in the morning and I just want to get in the car and go. So it sits and is sad. She likes to drive. It makes her happy. Cowboy had a 2007 Charger AWD R/T that he got to put inside the 1970 Charger instead of the Challenger.

Cowboy will ask me at least once a week if there is another car I would want. That conversation always ends one of two ways. Either, "I would like a 2011 Blue Subaru WRX STI preferably the one that used to be mine," or "I haven't seen anything else I liked besides that insane looking 1961 Plymouth Fury that would have been hard to find parts for."

Then he found something I finally liked. It's not like I have a ton of requirements for a car, it has to look like I'd drive it, it can't be something else EVERYONE has, and it can't look like an old lady car. Oh, and I'd prefer if it was a manual. He's shown me hundreds of car photos in the last year to me saying no hundreds of times. Poor thing.

Then, finally somehow, he found the RIGHT one. It's weird how, at least for me, finding the right car is so similar to finding the right present for someone, the perfect house, or heck, even the right Cowboy. When you see it, you just know.

I am in car love with a 1981 Datsun/Nissan 280zx. I'd just say Nissan, but it's so much more fun to say yeah, I'm getting a Datsun and see people's faces.

It was adorable in it's online photos and funny enough, we'd seen it a couple of years ago when we were looking for cars for Decker. I'd told Cowboy how cute it was just hanging back there in back part of the car lot. Then he or I said, you already have a car and dismissed it. But there it still was, back online and ready for me to swing and check out its adorable little self on myway home.

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