Monday, July 25, 2016

What's next, what's now?

So what's next? What's happening now?


Wait, you read this blog. Some of you have even met Cowboy, so you know this is an impossibility.

The new, the now, is a redo of Frankentruck. The middle minion was unfortunate enough to blow the head gasket on her motor. However, this provided the perfect opportunity to really make the Apache back into Frankentruck.

The last few months he has been working on putting her on a 4x4 K-10 Blazer and is she a beast, a beautiful beast that barely fits in the garage.

 More pictures will be added as we go along and I'll provide some flashbacks as well.

July 25 Continued

What was that? What happened to the Trans Am?

That one came out much better than the Nissan. We painted it, updated the exhaust and did a few other minor repairs. I am grateful for the girl minion's wise choice of going with a newer car.  

And the final result, Attack on Titans Trans Am.

July 25

I'm going to jump ahead. Far ahead. We'll play catch-up and bring you up to speed.

We finished the Nissan. This was by far the most challenging thing we've ever done. It has also made us realize that fitting a domestic car into an import poses many issues that aren't always over come.

But it was adorable.

Just look at it!  It was finished in April.

Then, a week later...

I broke it.

The person in front of me stopped short and I broke the car. All those hours of awful fiberglass sanding and itching messed up in one second.  It was extremely hard to not cry on the side of the road.

We fixed it, got a different bumper, but it just wasn't the same.

The middle minion fell in love with it instead. He drove it for a while, but after driving it more, looking at how we put it together, the middle one's tendancy to be drive hard and fast, and the fact that it's a tiny fiberglass car, we dismantled it.

It wasn't as safe as we wanted or as reliable. There were many issues that we just couldn't overcome due to the original design of the car.

It was probably one of the hardest car lessons we've had. As I look at the pictures though, it was so damn cute and I miss it. There is part of me that wants to do another one, older that we can actually find parts for, but I don't know that I have the energy for that one.