Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 22

Cowboy had a chance to go check out the Datsun, crawled under it, popped the hood, banged on the metal and talked to the other brother, Rusty. Cowboy called me on the way home with his exterior/mechanical damage estimate and we made a plan of action. 

Maybe more like attack, because I am a hard sell on anything and hard to bargain with.  I tend to hold out for a higher price longer than the Cowboy and offer a lower price than he'd start with. That's half the fun though. I like the haggling. Especially when it's interesting. Honestly too, this is the first time I'd gone into a car price negotiation without Cowboy. Usually I give him my bottom price line since it's higher than his, and he'll do the talking. This time, I went solo.

However, I drew the hard sell and got Dave. Interesting fact, Dave was the first WU Shock. We talked about the car, I gave him my price, which was reasonable for the condition, however it was a quarter of what he was asking. He came down some, but still twice what I was willing to pay. We danced some more, I came up $100, he came down 300. Then we hit a wall. Two stubborn negotiators mean everyone is going home sad. The brothers were sad too. Mike and Rusty, Dave's sons and business partners, were ready for this little car to find a home where it would be loved and most importantly taken care of instead of sitting on the back of the lot waiting to be parted out.

So we shook hands, he got my number and I went home. Cowboy and I looked online and found a few cars that would work instead of that particular car, but that means now, we're going to have to drive to go get it.

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