Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 18 & 19

The Cowboy has a few more weeks of travel for work this year. We were finally back to working on the car, but decided to put up a new section of fence to corrall the auto projects. We happen to live in an amazing neighborhood with many muscle cars and fellow gearheads who wouldn't complain, but felt the fence would keep the city from having an issue. Which reminds me, if you get a chance, ask the Cowboy about his "hotrod fan".

Fence after the posts are installed.

An almost finished fence.

 Cowboy finished the gate the next day.


  1. I think that the fence looks great. Did a great job in such a short time. I think that the rule about junk cars in the yard is a silly ordinance. It is over looked for some but not others. You all have a "project" cars that are not junk by any means. You will never get a complaint from me... Who is the "hot rod fan" that you would be referring to?

  2. You know who that would be. And it is silly, but it's easier to put up a fence and not have it become an issue.

  3. I know it is easier to put up fence... I can understand, but I for one, do not like how some rules are enforced for some but not others. And who ever this hot rod fan is, he/she must be a pretty cool person... LOL And FYI, when I am long gone, you all will be required to stay in contact. I will have the city pass an ordinance that requires all who I consider friends, to keep in contact with me.
